I love snuggling with him! |
The weeks seem to go by faster and faster. Parker has had a great week. Still growing like crazy! He is starting to sleep for stretches of 4-5 hours at a time at night. We have a great routine down at this point. In the morning, we wake up and eat, followed by prayer and book time. We then do series of tummy times and play time on his back on his little playmat. He is really starting to figure out how to use his arms and legs. He kicks around and waves his arms. At times he will hit the rings and items that hang over his head, but it is not intentional yet. His eye contact is becoming more purposeful when he looks at us and at objects around him.
He is starting to grin a bit more, but still doesn't seem intentional. I know that the books say that they are grinning when they have gas, but I choose to believe it's because he is such a happy baby! He really is so good- sleeps and naps well. He really only gets fussy when he wakes up and is ready to eat.
He loves to move his muscles on his playmat. He also watches the lights and listens to the musical attachment |
Making eye contact. Look at that big belly! |
Naptime |
I think it's safe to say that he knows exactly who Spencer and I are. Many times when someone is holding him and I start talking, he will either whine or cry until I come pick him up- he'll stop immediately. And with Spence, he curls up and sleeps soundly every time. He and Dad have gotten to take a lot of naps together.
Parker getting ready to call the Hogs as they beat Vanderbilt in Basketball |
Spence carrying P in the Baby Bjorn- this thing is GREAT! Sometimes, I'll use it to take him on a walk outside in lieu of the stroller. He will burrow his head into your chest and sleep soundly. |
Parker and his "girlfriend" Madeline playing together. I can't wait for him to start interacting with his little friends! |
He is so cute!!! I can't believe how fast time is going by! I feel like we were just meeting him last week. :) I loved our Starbucks date! so fun!