Sunday, July 29, 2012

7 Months

Dearest Parker,

Okay, you are officially growing up too quickly!  I wish I could freeze time right now and keep you at this precious stage!  It is blowing my mind to know  you are well on your way to a year old!

constant laughter and amusement

I know I say this every month, but this month has definitely been my favorite so far!  You have always been a pretty happy guy, but right now you are just delightful.  You are laughing like a little man the majority of each day.  You flirt with people like crazy.  If I'm holding you and talking to someone- you will turn your head away and then quickly turn it back and giggle.  Sometimes when Dad and I are on the floor with you, you will just get into a giggle frenzy as we talk to you.  It is the best sound in all the world.  I hope that laughter will be something you experience often in life!
still love to sleep with your Daddy

Weight ~20lbs
Height ~27 inches
Teeth- 4
Eyes- blue (I think they are blue to stay)
Hair- really lightening up- like my color
Sleep- usually 8-9 hours in a row at night

Happy happy boy
We are so, so, so close to crawling right now.  You go from a seated position to all fours in a split second.  You'll rock back and forth, sometimes using a leg/foot to scoot forward, sometimes using an arm to move forward.  But you still fall to your tummy.  But then you will do a combo of reaching and rolling to move across the floor to the object of your desire.  It is so funny to watch.  You also will reach for my legs and push yourself up on your feet to stand.  In preparation, I have already installed a safety gate on the stairs, moved the tv high up, and put the plastic pieces in electrical sockets.
trying to crawl alongside Jack
post spinach
You are eating so very well!  You now eat 3 big boy meals a day and I can tell you really enjoy meal time.  Of course, you still prefer your milk.  You drink 5oz of breastmilk about 5-6 times a day.  I've made a ton of food for you lately, which I really enjoy doing.  Your faves are definitely zucchini, squash, carrots and sweet potatoes.

In the last week or so, you are REALLY starting to talk more.  Not any words yet of course, but a lot of gurgling in the back of your throat (followed by laughing at yourself), still lots of oohs/aahs, and some increased gibberish.  I'm so ready for you to talk so I can know what is going on in that brain!  We have a wonderful speech therapist, Leila, who is coming to our house to work on exercises with you once you have your surgery next month.  I'm curious how things will change for you once your palate is repaired...
have I mentioned enough that you smile and laugh ALL the time
you are already such a ham
As far as your interests these days, not much has changed.  You are showing more and more interest in Jack, and the sweet guy lets you pull his hair all day long without a whimper.  You love being on the floor playing with your toys.  You can entertain yourself for long periods of time.  You are now hitting toys together and banging them on the ground to discover their noises.  We have had several zoo visits recently- always a big hit!  We still take Jack on a run several days a week and you love your time in the stroller.  Your new favorite toy is your Scout Dog- every time he says "Parker"- you look at him and laugh.  I think you are learning your name!

Dad and I are so proud of you.  You make life so much fun, and we are so blessed to have such a happy, funny boy!  Love you little man.


1 comment:

  1. I love this little man!!! He is so precious. :)
