Thursday, April 5, 2012

Guess Who Rolled Over?....

Yay- another milestone day!  Parker has been flirting with rolling over for a while and today he did it!!  He also is now suddenly holding himself propped up by his forearms, and when I pull him up by his arms, he bears weight on his feet!  He changes so quickly!



  1. Yeah Parker!!!! What a strong little man! You are going to have to teach your buddy Merrick how to achieve these milestones so quick. Great weightbearing through those arms!!

  2. Was he surprised with the roll-over? They work on it so hard and then when it happens, the look on their little faces is so precious! He really is a fantastic little fellow and I enjoy again all the milestones of parenting through your blog. Thanks for sharing!

  3. He didn't seem surprised at all- just like it was no big deal. However, I think he was a little surprised at my squeals and cheers for his accomplishment! Thanks for following- it is special to know people check it!
