Monday, April 30, 2012

4 Months

Dear Parker,

Four months- four months!!!  I can't believe you are a third of a year old.  It amazes me to think of how much you have grown and changed in such a short period of time.  I think of myself as a generally very happy and content person.  I enjoy every stage of life, but these last 4 months have been the best ever.  I love being your mom!  It is such a joy to parent you alongside your dad.  We talked this week about how much more fun it gets as you learn more about the world around you and continue to develop.  Each new stage becomes my favorite!

Big boy standing up- look at those legs!
This month- your head control is really great!  You are also sitting up so well.  I can leave you alone in the Bumbo while you watch me prep dinner.  The other day, you were reclined back with Dad in his chair, and you literally sat yourself up!  Another new thing- you want to stand up on your feet all of the time.  It's fun to watch your eyes light up every time you get to see the world from this new perspective.

Sophie is your favorite chew toy
I have never seen so much drool in my life!  You are glistening all day long, and I'm pretty sure you have your entire fist in your mouth for half of each day.  We now have you in a bib 24 hours a day!  You also love your Sophie giraffe.  It makes me giggle each time I hear her squeak (which makes Jack wild with jealousy- he wants that giraffe so badly!).  And last week, we discovered why you drool and chew nonstop- your first tooth is popping up!  It is on the bottom, and should break the surface any day now.
always shiny from drool

You are finally starting to sleep better these days.  You did so well before the surgery, and then you reverted back to 3-5 hours at a time.  This week- you had several 7 hour stretches- what a treat!

You are starting to interact more with Jack- doesn't he look thrilled?
You have also hit your milestone for rolling over.  You only do tummy-to-back so far, but you certainly do flip over onto your side from your back frequently.  You do this when you want to watch the television or grab a toy to put in your mouth.  You are always moving these days- your legs are so strong and are always kicking.  When we put you on your tummy- you love to prop yourself up on your forearms.
I put you in your crib in the opposite direction and away from the pillow- this is how I found you 10 minutes later!

Now you want to hold your bottle
Parker with Dr. Painter
You are a big boy, Parker.  At your 4 month check-up today, you weighed 17 pounds (91%), and are 26 in. long (94%), and head circumference once again off the charts (big brain I'm sure).  This past month you have moved into 6-9 month outfits.  It's hard to remember how small you used to be as a newborn.  You are still taking 5oz. of breastmilk, but will go 3-4 hours often until you get hungry.  Lately with the teething- you barely finish an entire bottle- you seem more interested in playing with it.  I can't believe you will start eating real food soon- crazy!

Cutie pie in a 9 month outfit- you are so happy!
everyone says you look just like your daddy!
I also love all of your facial expressions, your giggles, and your sounds!  You laugh frequently, and I've discovered your tickle spots are your thighs and under your arms.  Your whole face lights up and your laughter fills the room.  You are still cooing a lot this month.  When I mimic your "ooohhhh" sounds- you laugh each time and say it again.  I can hear an "ah" sound occasionally, and I swear when you fuss some times, you sound out "mamamamamama"- dad doesn't believe me, but it's true.

Favorite activities:
-tummy time
-the jumperoo
-the play mat- but you are about to outgrow it!
-bath time is still your favorite- lots of splashing these days
-jogging with mom- you really enjoy this now- no more fussing, and you just watch the world go by
-playtime with Maddie
-you LOVE the outdoors- it soothes you every time
-you are really starting to notice and interact with Jack this month
-reading books- you pay such great attention and look at the pictures
you are enjoying the jumperoo more and more
and of course the fox goes in your mouth!
Your ever present best friend-Jack follows you everywhere!

We love you, little man.  You are the most wonderful gift we have ever received.  I personally am so blessed to get 5 days a week at home with you to watch you change before my eyes.  I can't wait to see what this next month brings....

Love you to the moon and back!


  1. I could just eat him up... he is so precious!!! I love the picture with Jack's paw on P's belly! I am scared for Sophie in our house... I hope she makes it and doesn't die an early death at the paws of miss Ellie! He is getting so big, that Spence mini me!

  2. I just love his smile! His bright eyes sparkle and he lights up the world! He will love these posts someday.
