Thursday, April 26, 2012

Honey & Sport

We had a WONDERFUL visit this past weekend from Spencer's parents.  They came last Wednesday and left on Sunday morning.  We love for our parents and other family members to visit- it's such a joy to share with them our life and friends here in South Carolina.  Again, it's difficult to live so far away- 11 and 14 hours is a bit of a drive to just go for a spontaneous weekend, so we often find that we miss out on family gatherings and the "little things" like birthday celebrations, Sunday night dinners, soccer games, etc.  But, I've realized that one benefit of these visits is that when we do actually get together- we all seem to make more of an effort to have quality time together.  Our conversations seem to have more weight, and we try to make the most of every minute together.

Parker is so much more interactive now with visitors- lots of smiling, cooing, and laughter.  Unfortunately, this week Parker is working on a little tooth that is imminent.  This meant a few fussy periods for sweet P, which is not his norm.  Poor little guy.  But we still managed to have a great time- even though we had pipes from our hot water heater burst under our house, causing extensive damage.  Thankfully- it looks like insurance is going to cover it- praise God!

To my dismay- Parker loves watching the television.   I will definitely try to restrict his tv time  as he gets older, but inevitably he will love watching tv with his daddy.....sigh....
somehow he loves watching golf.  double sigh.....
hanging out with Sport
he is so cute when he sleeps- love how he cuddles a burp cloth!

he loves snuggling with Honey!!
Jack is always in the mix!
we had a great dinner out with our friends Ben & Wendy at Garibaldi's


  1. I can't believe he's already cutting teeth! So glad you had a great visit with the Robinsons. Let's catch up soon!

  2. Those Robinson boys sure do look alike! I love it! I am still giggling about P's little present on Wes's lap the other night! Hilarious!!!

  3. Looks like you guys had a great time! He is getting so big! Geribaldi's is such a yummy restaurant! :) Great choice!

  4. So glad your families have the means to come for visits. I think of our residents who have traveled for training often as I have the luxury of being with my own children so frequently and we were blessed to have Dr. and Mrs. Shelton living here with us.

    This is such a special time in your lives and having multiple generations together is becoming all too rare in our society. I am happy for you all that you are able to come together. P will benefit from such a large circle of loving family.

    Am enjoying watching your family's blessings through your blog. I imagine it is even more important to your extended fam and friends.
