Friday, January 20, 2012

3 Weeks and a great visit from Kim

The Robinson Family

Another interesting week!  First of all, I cannot believe we are now at 3 weeks old!  Parker is quickly outgrowing his newborn sizes and fitting nicely into our 0-3 months outfits.  He is eating great still and downing 3 oz. of breastmilk every 2-3 hours.  I have no doubt he is over 9 lbs. now and measures over 20 inches.  I just want to push pause to slow him down already!

I just finished the book, On Becoming Babywise by Gary Ezzo and Robert Bucknam.  I think it is a great framework for establishing a routine for a baby, and I am trying out a lot of the suggestions that are already showing success.  It suggests a routine of wake/eat/play/sleep during the day, making the most of alert time and to get the baby used to play and awake time during the day.  I'm trying to do a bathtime at one of the last "day feedings" to prepare him for night time.  At night, we are trying minimal stimulation other than his feedings, and he is stretching out his sleep times to 3-4 hours.  Hopefully in another month, we will have a good routine established.  I highly recommend this book- will keep up with our progress (wish me luck!)

can you say Alert?

Tummy Time

My stepmom, Kim came to visit us this week, and we had such a great visit!  She was incredibly helpful, helped feed Parker at night so that Spencer and I could sleep more, and helped in a million other ways.  The most relief came on Wednesday.  I had been having a lot of achiness, fatigue, and fluctuating chills with hot spells, and my temperature was almost 102.  Spence quarantined me from Parker, and the next day I had to go back to the doctor where I was diagnosed with mastitis.  We were so thankful it wasn't the flu!  But for about 24 hours, we were so nervous that I was really sick and would infect Parker!  I would not have known what to do if Kim hadn't been here to help out!  (I am feeling much better, inflammation is going down, fever is gone, and I am on antibiotics- praying it goes away!)

Jack and Parker are so happy!
Jack stole a rubber duck and has decapitated it.
Jack wants to play with Parker
Jack loves to kiss Parker- surely Parker's immune system is getting strong!

Last night of her visit.  I know two boys who will be very disappointed!

The only thing we did not accomplish was coming up with her grandmother name.  Any suggestions?  I told her if she doesn't come up with one that I'm going to call her "Big Momma"- not a flattering name, so the pressure is on!


  1. So cute! I love that family picture. :) P could call her KK. I have a friend who's mother's name is Katherine, and that is what they call her. Cute. Jack looks so peaceful in that last picture... I think he might need a good swaddle... just sayin'... Els loves it! ha!

  2. I was going to suggest KK, too! I also have a friend who calls her mom "KiKi." Such sweet photos...can't wait to see Parker for myself :)
