Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Kauai- The Garden Isle

We made it to Kauai- is it terrible to say I was so excited for a vacation away from Oahu?

Kauai Beach Resort

Looking out from our balocony

One of our best meals in Kauai:

Seared ahi tacos and french fries covered in freshly chopped garlic and parmesan cheese.

So, I usually make great efforts to not be suckered into cheesy tourist trap experiences.  Disclaimer: Spencer had worked until 4 a.m., slept only 3 hours, and then we were on a plane to Kauai.  By the time we grabbed lunch and checked into our resort, there were only a few hours of daylight to explore the island.  I was trying to pick something easy and relaxing.  I'm pretty sure Spence will never let me forget this winning choice.  Upside- we have not laughed so hard in a very long time...

We took the Smith's barge up the Wailua River 2 miles to the Fern Grotto- basically a lava rock grotto (cave) covered with hanging tropical ferns.  It is picturesque, and the 40 minute boat ride each way was effortless and relaxing.

The Fern Grotto

On-board entertainment

Uncle Willy
So what was so amusing?  Well, when we got to the docks- we were the youngest of the nearly 40 tourists by at least 40 years.  I think there were several oxygen tanks in the crowd.  The "entertainment" for the boat ride included being serenaded by a group of ukuleles with "famous" Uncle Willy leading the way.  Apparently, he was in Blue Hawaii with Elvis.  Spence was really freaked out by his "crazy eyes" and was convinced Uncle Willy had missed his evening dose of haldol.

Oh, and did I mention that we all had to stand up and learn to hula.  Because I "made" Spencer go on this ride, I agreed to posting a picture of me in this humiliating scene.

Forced group activity- my favorite

Hey- it was still pretty.  If you want to explore the Wailua River, i would recommend renting a kayak.  (***The next 2 days were our best in Hawaii so far!***)

Beautiful coastline at our resort

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