Thursday, December 6, 2012

Thanksgiving in Pine Bluff

Parker with Sport (Spence's Dad)
Cuddling with Honey
Thanksgiving- the best holiday of the year!  I know Christmas is usually everyone's favorite, but for me, Thanksgiving is the one I look forward to the most.  Cooking all day, delicious food, amazing desserts, football, and just hanging out with everyone you love- perfect day.  No presents to stress over.

Since Spencer and I both work in a hospital- we both work holidays.  Weekends also are not as exciting because we spend a lot of Saturdays and Sundays at work.  We have worked the last 3 years for this holiday, so this year we went home for a change- it was wonderful!!  We spent a few days in Pine Bluff with Spence's family, then headed to Fayetteville to see mine.  It was SO great to see our families.  Now having Parker- of course I love seeing everyone for myself.  But, it is even more fun to watch everyone get to play with Parker!
Spence and his brother Daniel with their boys
Uncle Keith 
My sister-in-law, Suzy
Daniel's son, Jim, is really into golf- he takes that club everywhere!

out on the golf course Thanksgiving day with a lot of friends

Parker found some golf balls

a picture that I am certain Parker and Jim will hate one day....but they were so cute!

He LOVED the piano
he's a natural
Suzy and Jim
Parker's favorite toy- the Little Tykes car

Our turkey this year was cooked with an Infrared fryer- it was delicious!
We have so much to be thankful for- I could write a book of things!  But this year, I am so grateful that God blessed us with this sweet, wonderful, healthy little boy.  I would't change a thing about him or these last 11 months.

1 comment:

  1. Lauren, I love the photo of Parker and Honey. Jonathan has a similar one of him and his Grandmama around Parker's age and I absolutely adore it. I'd like to get it blown up and framed one day. (:
